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盖世汽车智能网联  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-22 17:26


2023年的中国,作为世界上最大的新能源汽车市场,见证了本土及国际主流新能源车企的激烈角逐和产业布局的深度调整。这些企业在技术创新、产品迭代上不断突破,新能源车企的每一步棋都深刻影响着中国汽车产业的走向。 In 2023, China, as the world's largest new energy vehicle market, witnessed fierce competition and profound adjustments in industrial layout among local and international mainstream new energy vehicle manufacturers. These automakers continuously break through in technological innovation and product iteration. Their efforts have a profound impact on the development of China's automotive industry. 盖世汽车近期汇编了2024年中国主要新能源车企的品牌及工厂分布信息,产能预测等,推出了 《2024中国主流新能源车企产业布局图》英文版 ,供行业参考。 GASGOO recently compiled information on China's major new energy vehicle makers' brands and fact ………………………………

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