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◎ 实验电影《至高幸福》线上观影

月亮MovieMonthly  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-03 19:09


至高幸福 Ultimate Bliss 葡萄牙|2022|14 min 导演: Miguel de Jesus IMDb: tt15532702 “亲爱的玛丽莎,现在我们相隔整整一个地球。确切地说,是 17900 公里。在这个天堂的门槛上,我只能做一件事:等待。最终,至高的幸福会找到我们,宝贝。” 这是一部电影日记,一场记忆练习,关于一个遥远而又狂野的未来。 Gabi believes in her ability to act in times of injustice. One day, Gabi finds out that Daniel, her sibling, is a victim of bullying in their neighbourhood. While trying to avenge him, Gabi realizes that perhaps all the coinciding events related to her brother are a test made by ghosts of the past. TRAILER 线上观影免费,链接如下 https://www.festivalscope.com/film/ultimate-bliss/ 过期时间: 葡萄牙时间 11.18 23:59 - 𝐅𝐈𝐍 - ………………………………

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