圣诞快乐。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What inference can be drawn about the brain's attitude toward memorable experiences, whether positive or negative? A. The brain quickly discards both pleasant and traumatic events. B. Emotional experiences have minimal impact on long-term neural responses. C. Once the brain classifies an experience as significant, it resists “forgetting” those emotional imprints. D. Only negative events remain strongly embedded, while positive ones fade easily. 无注释原文: Santa on the Brain From: The New York Times Although children are born with a full set of 86 billion brain cells, or neurons, the connections between these neurons are relatively sparse during these early years. As their brains develop — as more and more micro-thread extensions form between neurons, and neurochemicals zap across the tiny gaps — children slowly learn about the rules of the physical world, and the distinctions between fiction and nonficti