专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-07-11 10:53


不要用自己的方式 去要求别人, 评论一件事 要出言有尺, 也要唏嘘有度。   天下无完人, 眼是一把尺, 看人先看己, 心是一杆秤, 称人也称己, 心中有德 是慈悲, 口下留情 是善良。   一个人的涵养 来自大度 来自宽容, 一个人的修为, 是懂得包容 懂得尊重。   目中有人 才有路可走, 心中有爱 才有事所为。   --- 加措活佛 Our loneliness in life doesn't originate from lack of friends, but from the confusion and anxiety, forgetting where we are coming from and where we are heading for. Our pain doesn't come from the loss of cherished ones but from lack of inner peace in soul, which have shattered our faith support. What we really need is not the sympathy or caring from others, but a kind optimistic, open-minded self-assistance spirit, which sublime our virtues over time. 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维码即可添加 ………………………………

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