点击下方 卡片 ,关注“ 自动驾驶之心 ”公众号 戳我-> 领取 自动驾驶近15个 方向 学习 路线 ECCV 2024放榜有一段时日了!自动驾驶之心一直在做汇总,今天就为大家分享自动驾驶领域相关的优秀工作! >> 点击进入→ 自动驾驶之心 『 ECCV2024 』 技术交流群 编辑 | 自动驾驶之心 汇总链接:https://github.com/autodriving-heart/ECCV-2024-Papers-Autonomous-Driving We will promptly include more related works in this repository. Please stay tuned!!! We also kindly invite you to our platform, Auto Driving Heart, for paper interpretation and sharing. If you would like to promote your work, please feel free to contact me. 1) End to End | 端到端自动驾驶 GenAD: Generative End-to-End Autonomous Driving paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.11502 code: https://github.com/wzzheng/GenAD 2)LLM Agent | 大语言模型智能体 DriveLM: Driving with Graph Visual Question Answering paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf