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Facing AI, Employing a Safe Approach

律商视点  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-26 18:48


专栏 活动 快讯 产品 解读 ★文章为LexisNexis独家内容,未经允许严禁转载 Xiangxiang Ma AnJie Broad Law Firm A Brief Analysis on the AI Safety Governance Framework 1. Background and Structure of AI Framework On September 9, 2024, the National Technical Committee 260 on Cybersecurity of Standardization Administration of China (“TC260”) has promulgated the AI[1] Safety Governance Framework (V1.0) (the “AI Framework), which aims to implement the Global AI Governance Initiative and promote consensus and coordinated efforts on AI security governance among governments, international organizations, companies, research institutes, civil organizations, and individuals, effectively preventing and mitigating AI security risks.[2] On October 18, 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China has issued the Global AI Initiative (the “AI Initiative”), which puts forward to an open, fair and efficient approach to the development, security and governance of AI, intending ………………………………

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