专栏名称: 美集志
纵享全球之美学 开拓设计之思维
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首发|一野设计 • 湖畔的雅居

美集志  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 18:00


 “ 空间的一半依赖于设计   另一半则源自于存在与精神 ” “Half of space depends on design  the other half is derived from presence and spirit.”  ——安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)  - 本案位于苏州阳澄湖畔,推开家门就能看见天湖一线,步行片刻就能触摸到湖水温和涌动的脉搏,感受自然带来的沉静能量。平衡成为了设计的出发点,自然和人文,现代与古典,繁与简......室内以现代法式为基调,在风格的高度和谐之外,细节也实现了呼应统一,为居住者打造了一个融合自然风情、简约而不失精致浪漫的居住空间。 This case is located by Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou. Pushing open the door, you can see the line of Tianhu Lake, and walking for a moment can touch the gentle and surging pulse of the lake water, feeling the calm energy brought by nature. Balance has become the starting point of design, combining nature and humanities, modernity and classici ………………………………

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