中国道家文化中有 “别有洞天” 这个词语,意为仙人居住的地方,形容风景优雅,引人入胜。而随着城市化进程的加快,人们在城市中拥有花园的面积不断缩小,如何在尺幅之中营造属于自己的一片天地,在繁杂喧嚣中留下那一份宁静与安然便是这次设计的命题,这也是庭院 “小有天” 名称的由来。 小中见大,有中蕴无,别有洞天。 ——丈山造园 "别有洞天" originates from Taoist culture in China, referring to a hidden paradise where immortals reside, symbolizing a place with elegant and captivating scenery. As urbanization accelerates, the space available for personal gardens in cities has continuously shrunk. The challenge of this design is how to create one's own haven within a limited area, providing a sense of tranquility and peace amidst the bustling and chaotic environment. This is the inspiration behind the name of the courtyard, "小有天" (Xiao You Tian).