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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-07-04 08:00
点击下方名片关注我们导读现年49岁的三料视后佘诗曼,最近与好友姚乐怡、梁靖琪、汤盈盈、锺丽淇等七魔女一同踏上了旅行的旅程。七魔女这些日子以来,不断在社交媒体上分享着他们的泳装照,引发了一波又一波的热议。以下是外媒报道。双语文本Charmaine Sheh took a vacation with friends recently and netizens were amazed by the photos she posted on social media. But it's not the scenery which grabbed their attention. The 49-year-old Hong Kong actress flaunted her impressive figure with three photos of herself sitting by the poolside in a black bikini. 佘诗曼最近和朋友度假,她在社交媒体上发布的照片引发网友热议。但吸引他们的并不是风景。这位49岁的香港女演员发布了三张身穿黑色比基尼的泳装照,大秀火辣身材。"Smiles are little rays of sunshine that brighten lives," she wrote in the caption. Another photo she posted showed the frie ………………………………

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