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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-07-04 08:00
口语积累work blues, office fatigue情景应用“班味”可以用“工作疲劳”“工作抑郁”等词表达,英文可以说 work/office fatigue,work blues,work woes等等。You can tell she's been working hard by the work fatigue on her face.你可以从她脸上的班味看出她工作很辛苦。Looks like someone's deep in the work blues.某人看上去班味有点重哦。Seems like you're really feeling the office fatigue.你看上去班味很重。Wow, your work woes are showing today!哇,你今天的班味有点重啊!I've got a serious case of work woes—dark circles, bad complexion, you name it.我全身班味——黑眼圈、肤色暗沉,上班的毛病全乎了。表达工作很累,英语可以用exhausting,wear sb out,drain,overwhelming等:Man, work has been exhausting lately.哎,最近工作真是太累了。I'm really feeling the grind at work these days.最近工作压力真的很大。Work's been really wearing me out.工作把我 ………………………………

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