汉坤律师事务所(以下简称“汉坤”)非常高兴地宣布,汉坤近日迎来王宇律师加入,增强资本市场业务实力。 Han Kun Law Offices (“Han Kun”) is pleased to announce that Mr. Yu Wang has recently joined the firm. His addition will further enhance Han Kun’s capital markets capabilities. / 王宇 / 王宇律师专注于美国资本市场业务领域,代表公司在纳斯达克或纽交所首次上市公开发行或de-SPAC上市,为美国上市公司就合规性及公司治理等事宜提供常年法律服务,并为美国上市公司的后续证券公开和私募发行以及并购交易提供服务。王宇律师也在pre-IPO和私募股权交易中为发行人或投资机构提供法律咨询。 Mr. Wang’s practice focuses on U.S. securities law matters in connection with capital markets transactions. Mr. Wang regularly represents issuers in initial public offerings on Nasdaq and NYSE, and listing through de-SPAC transactions. Mr.