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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-22 12:03


近期,兰州市公安局安宁分局成功侦破一起网络赌博案,民警赴广东、浙江、福建等地,打掉涉赌犯罪团伙5个,抓获犯罪嫌疑人44名,查实涉赌资金1.1亿余元,有力打击了网络赌博违法犯罪。为扩大战果、全面提升打击成效,目前该案已由公安部网安局发起全国性跨区域集群战役,参战各地公安机关共查获涉案盲盒超过100万个,查实涉案资金2.1亿元。 Police have recently warned the public about the dangers of buying mystery boxes online through so-called "prize-guessing contests", which may constitute the crime of gambling. A nationwide crackdown initiated by the Ministry of Public Security has led to the seizure of over 1 million mystery boxes since late April, with confirmed funds totaling 210 million yuan ($29 million), and the operation is ongoing. 网上销售暗藏玄机 不发盲盒却领奖金 2024年3月23日,兰州市公安局安宁分局网安民警开展网上 ………………………………

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