本文介绍了《时间测量方法》这本书的内容,该书由Harold Bright Maynard撰写,为工业工程师和管理人员提供提高工作效率的方法。本书详细介绍了方法时间测量(MTM)系统,包括其历史、基本原理、关键概念以及在不同行业中的应用实例。
关键观点1: 书籍内容概述
关键观点2: 书籍的应用价值
关键观点3: 书籍的编辑和出版
本书由L.C. Morrow编辑,属于麦格劳-希尔工业组织与管理系列。这本书是旧原版的复制品,可能包含一些不完美之处,如图书馆标记和符号。
参考阅读: MTM-1方法培训完整版! MTM-UAS方法培训,完整! MOD法则+人因工程十大原理+MTM人因工程评价表,可下载! Methods Time Measurement 方法时间衡量 Methods Time Measurement is a book authored by Harold Bright Maynard that serves as a guide for industrial engineers and managers who are looking to improve the efficiency of their operations. The book offers a detailed explanation of the Methods Time Measurement (MTM) system, which is a widely used method for analyzing and improving work processes. The book is divided into several sections, each of which covers a different aspect of the MTM system. The first section provides an overview of the system, including its history, basic principles, and key concepts. The second section covers the different types of MTM analysis, such as basic and advanced, and how they can be applied to different types of work processes. The third section of the book delves into the details of conducting MTM