专栏名称: 北大清华讲座
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北大清华讲座  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-28 12:09
点击上方蓝字【北大清华讲座】加关注,知识改变命运! 不去读书就没有真正的教养,同时也不可能有什么鉴别力。——赫尔岑Reimagining Public Health: Global Leadership Perspectives for a Post-COVID World重塑公共卫生:后疫情时代的全球领导力展望This panel is organized by Yale-NUS College, the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, and the Yale School of Public Health.本活动由耶鲁-新加坡国立大学学院,苏瑞福公共卫生学院和耶鲁公共卫生学院共同举办。The Event / 活动介绍The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our lives and may define a generation. Its reverberations continue to impact health, social and economic conditions worldwide. We have witnessed accelerated change in vaccine development and distribution, telemedicine, technology, remote work and education. Deans from the Ya ………………………………

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