专栏名称: THE BOX 盒子黑胶
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9.6【今晚】LoFi Studio 呈现「夏日最后冲击」@THE BOX

THE BOX 盒子黑胶  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 13:47


现场:58¥    Walk in:58¥    时代在召唤,青年在觉醒。 我们睁开眼看世界,我们认清生活的本质也依然热爱, 把握夏季最后的冲击来一场派对收尾, 这场会带来适合夏季舒服的音乐风格, 例如Progressive house/R 等等 The times are calling, and the youth are awakening. As we open our eyes to the world, we still love life and understand its essence, seize the final hit of summer to wrap up a party,This event will bring music styles that are suitable for summer comfort, such as Progressive & Tech & Deep house/R 我们又回到了熟悉的老地方@The box, 过去在这交了好多志同道合喜爱音乐的朋友, 是个非常棒的场所,不管是场域还是音场。 On 9/6, we went back to the familiar old place@The box, where we have made a lot of like-minded friends who love music, and it is a great place, both in terms of field and soundstage.  白日饮酒,落日微醺,舞池边跳舞, 梦里 ………………………………

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