Massage parlors in Nanning will be required to record customers’ personal details as part of a campaign targeting fraud, gambling, and prostitution rings. Going to get a massage? If you happen to be in the southwestern city of Nanning, that may soon involve handing over your personal information and being recorded by at least four surveillance cameras. It’s all part of the city’s new campaign targeting massage parlors, which local officials say are often hotbeds of fraud, gambling, and prostitution. Massage parlors have become targets of enhanced oversight in several parts of China over recent years due to their insalubrious reputation. But Nanning has raised eyebrows across the nation due to the severity of its proposed new massage regulations, which are due to come into force on Nov. 1. Massage parlors will be designated a “special” industry and subject to a host of strict new rules, many of them relating to tightened surveillance. Individuals getting a massage between 2 a.