©新加坡樟宜机场集团 《花瓣云》是新加坡樟宜机场 4 号航站楼的中央艺术品。这个六体动力装置是在 4 号航站楼精心设计的艺术项目中委托和制作的。它在中央广场的屋顶下横跨 200 米。 Petal Cloud is the central artwork at Terminal 4 of Singapore Changi Airport. This six-body power installation was commissioned and produced in Terminal 4's elaborate art project. It spans 200 meters under the roof of the central square. 新加坡樟宜机场 Singapore Changi Airport --- 16 个铝元素共同构成了六个动态雕塑之一,其外观不断且流畅地变化 - 类似于云。一种算法编排定义了雕塑的动作。形式、运动、灯光和音乐创造出联觉体验并产生新的形态。 16 aluminum elements together form one of six kinetic sculptures whose appearance is constantly and fluidly changing - similar to clouds. An algorithmic choreography defines the movement of the sculpture. Form, movement, lig