专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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SHIVALAYA ,印度古吉拉特邦巴罗达

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-17 07:37


The client is from the real estate background and works with large scale government projects. They are majorly into infrastructure development. They wanted to do an office that’s well connected to nature, thus the plot they selected to build their house and office named Shivalaya has an adjoining garden on the west. 该客户有房地产背景,与大型政府项目合作。他们主要从事基础设施开发。他们想要建立一个与自然紧密相连的办公室,因此他们选择建造房屋和办公室的地块名为 Shivalaya,西边有一个毗邻的花园。 We were approached as interior designers to do third, fourth and terrace floor of the building for their office along with a nice and cozy entrance to the building. 我们作为室内设计师被邀请为他们的办公室设计大楼的第三层、第四层和露台层,并为大楼设计一个漂亮舒适的入口。 The building has been designed by Architect Ruchir Seth with brick and concrete faça ………………………………

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