专栏名称: 生态遥感前沿
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中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 李稚研究员、陈亚宁研究员团队发文:一个世纪以来全球热浪风险及其驱动因素的变化

生态遥感前沿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-02 00:00


一个世纪以来全球热浪风险及其驱动因素的变化——《Earth's Future》 摘要 Heatwaves represent a significant and growing threat to natural ecosystems and socio-economic structures, making heatwave risk mitigation and prevention an important area of research. In exploring heatwave frequency and intensity from 1901 to 2020, the present study finds a sharp increase in both. The study also finds that the spatial distribution of heatwaves is unequal, the volatility of intensity characteristics has become more prominent over time, and the Gini coefficients of four key heatwave indictors have become larger due to increasing dryness. Although heatwaves occur more frequently in drylands, there is greater cumulative heat in humid areas, resulting in a higher heatwave risk in those areas. The global heatwave risk over the past three decades (1991–2020) has increased nearly five-fold compared to the early 20th century (1901–1930). Furthermore, GeoDetector analysis indicat ………………………………

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