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【征稿】Global Media and China:“监视资本主义”专辑(Surveillance Capitalism)

传媒学术网  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-03-06 20:43


Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Global Media and China 期刊|征稿 Surveillance Capitalism Theme 主题: Surveillance Capitalism Guest Editors 客座编辑: John Ellis (Royal Holloway University of London) Deadlines 重要时间: Abstract submission deadline  31st May, 2020 Decision for abstract 15th June, 2020 Full manuscript submissions Before 15th November, 2020. Language 特刊语言: English  Contact 联系:    Professor John Ellis    (john.ellis@rhul.ac.uk) Overview Recent issues of Global Media and China have explored the specifically Chinese characteristics of internet services, involving a particular constellation of companies and services that is distinct from those developed in the USA. How do the particular affordances of the dominant Chinese internet services differ from those of Google, Amazon, Facebook and PayPal? The combination of fi ………………………………

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