点击蓝字,关注中国兵器官方微信 9月4日,《CHINA DAILY》在“中非合作论坛”专版以《Agriculturalist, teacher cultivates ties with villagers》为题,报道了中国北方工业有限公司北方矿业拉米卡公司在刚果(金)开展农业种植培训,“授人以渔”帮助当地百姓解决吃菜难题的故事。 《CHINA DAILY》报道如下: Agriculturalist, teacher cultivates ties with villagers Wang
Gang (center) and local farmers display the soil in Lualaba, the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. [Photo provided to CHINA DAILY] Wang
Gang is popular among residents of Pumpi, a remote village in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo's Lualaba province, because he is good
at planting and growing vegetables. "Wang has not only taught me
how to prepare farmland, fertilize soil, grow seedlings and move growing
plants, but also given me knowledge about many types of Chinese
vegetables and their nutritional composition as well as cooking