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电通创意(DENTSU CREATIVE),电通旗下唯一的全球创意网络,以现代创意(Modern Creativity)的力量驱动品牌与业务转型,致力于打造可以创造文化、影响社会和驱动未来的创意作品。
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2024 Unlocking Multifaceted Wellness: China Focus

电通创意  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-24 17:00


Dentsu Creative unveils the 2024 Unlocking Multifaceted Wellness: China Focus, delving into the evolving landscape of healthcare consumption in Chinese market and reimagining multifaceted ways to wellbeing. This report marks dentsu’s 17th consecutive year of conducting the wellness survey. Building on the findings from “ Wellness Trend Watch: General Health Observation ” and “ 5 Archetypes of Wellness ,” the latest release offers insights into the diverse mindset and behaviors of Chinese health-conscious consumers. Discover an innovative strategy to drive successful marketing communication and business growth for brands.  Visit dentsu’s website or click on “Read More” to download the full report. www.dentsu.com/cn/en/our-latest-thinking GENERAL HEALTH DIAGNOSIS China’s healthcare consumers are showing an increased focus on health compared to the first-year post-pandemic in 2023. There is a shift towards prioritizing stable mental and social relationships, alongsid ………………………………

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