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Call for paper (IF 6.3):截止2024年12月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-25 15:23


Challenges and Opportunities for sludge treatment: converting wastes from water treatment process to valuable resources Large amounts of waste sludge is generated daily from water and wastewater treatment plants worldwide. The waste sludge presents significant challenges and opportunities for the whole water industry. Traditional treatment technologies (e.g., landfill, stockpile, digestion) may not be able to meet future more strict regulations and environmental protection requirements. With the global focus on climate change and circular economy, many new innovations have been emerged recently to not only treat the sludge more sustainably but also convert the wastes into valuable resources. The objective of this special issue is to demonstrate current status and new innovations in waste sludge treatment. Papers are invited on all relevant topics including, but not limited to waste sludge pre-treatment process;• new treatment process (e.g., pyrolysis, combustion); waste sludge derive ………………………………

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