媒介传染病与热带传染病在世界范围内广泛流行,影响着全球数十亿人的健康,是公共卫生领域的重要挑战。在本次研讨会中,我们旨在召集全球从事媒介和热带传染病研究的顶尖专家和学者,深入探讨这一领域的最新研究成果和进展。 Vector-borne and tropical infectious diseases are widespread globally, impacting the health of billions and presenting significant challenges to public health. The goal of this conference is to gather top experts and scholars worldwide who are engaged in the research of vector-borne and tropical diseases to deeply discuss the latest research findings and progress in this field. 会议将围绕媒介传染病和热带传染病的流行病学、病原学、诊断、治疗、预防以及公共卫生策略等多个方面展开讨论,旨在为中国乃至全球媒介和热带传染病的防控提供科学的策略和建议。 The symposium will focus on various aspects, including e