【 原文 】 火壶表演是一种传统的民间表演艺术,属于国家级非物质文化遗产之一。表演者通过将烧好的木炭放入两边的铁网,然后通过上下抖动铁网产生火花,创造出如烟花般绚丽的火花,熊熊火焰腾空飞舞,呈现出火树银花般的效果。这种表演不仅展示了千年的民间绝技,还营造出热闹的节日气氛,达到了驱邪避灾的效果。如今,火壶表演逐渐演变为民间娱乐活动,用看得见的火焰和看不见的热情继续将大家聚拢,延续这份美好的祈愿。 【 参考译文 】 As a state-level intangible cultural heritage, Huohu (fire pot) is a traditional folk performance art. Performers put well-burned charcoal into iron meshes on both sides and shake the meshes up and down so that the charcoal will flare up and blazing sparks will burst out of the meshes and light up the sky just like fireworks. The performance is not only to show the traditional stunt thou