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Baby、Honey 都太落伍了,现在老外称呼爱人都用这个词儿!

早安英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-03-06 05:30


送福利啦! 🍒早安!今天要学习的单词是: Bae [beɪ] 看颜色抓重点:  ■    释义 点击音频收听今天单词的讲解 🙋‍♀️ That moment you all of your friends have a bae except you so you're just there alone. The worst feeling right!? Let me give you a little bit more information about the word before you start using it. It is very addicting to use once you figure out how to use it. The slang word Bae originated in the United States.  B-A-E.  Bae. [beɪ] Bae is short for baby or babe. A bae is just someone you like/love such as a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or it could just mean your best friend.  This word is in many urban music lyrics ranging from the 2000s to now.  Now more than ever, if you say that you are someone's bae many westerners will understand that you are talking about someone that you like very much.   H ………………………………

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