快⬆️⬆️点击上方 蓝字 关注并星标 这 个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 词数:449 words 难度:★★★★☆ 小贴士: 今天的文章主打一个抽象。。。大家记得复习本周笔记。 ——大橙子留 ✦ + + 上期划线句答案 Leaving waste introduces animals to an unnatural diet and changes their behavior with sometimes catastrophic consequences. 留下垃圾会让动物接触到非自然的食物,改变它们的行为,往往会导致灾难性的后果。 ✦ + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 Here is an absurdly mean-minded way to view Next’s advance towards annual profits of £1bn this financial year: since the retailer achieved almost half a billion (£498m) as long ago as 2008, merely doubling over 17 years is not otherworldly . The annual compound rate of improvement works out at only 4%. 以一种极其刻薄的角度看待Next在本财年向10亿英镑年利润目标迈进的情况:因为这家零