劳工之翼 Workers' Wings 科索沃|2024|19 min 导演: 伊利尔·哈萨纳吉 IMDb: tt31548493 在科索沃的地盘,工业意外屡见不鲜。把被无视的工人带到镜头前,以温柔的红蓝色调,过滤他们的鲜血与忧郁。工人脸上皱纹刻蚀着命运,身上是简陋机器加诸的伤痕,与被无良资本家剥削的辛酸。 Men who, after a work injury, look at us: How do they feel? What are their hopes? What does the future hold for them? Every line on their faces sculpted by life itself. In contrast, a system filled with danger and injustice looms overhead. EXCERPT 观影链接 (免费; 8 月 4 日 23:59 过期; 有英字) https://www.festivalscope.com/film/workers-wings/ - 𝐅𝐈𝐍 -