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九言 | 轮到你奔跑时,请别原地踏步。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-14 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  6.14 任何事都要提前准备,而不是提前焦虑。 Everything should be prepared in advance, not anxious in advance. 生活就是用那一两分的甜,冲淡那八九分的苦。 Life is about using one or two parts of sweetness to dilute eight or nine parts of bitterness. 轮到你奔跑时,请别原地踏步。 When it's your turn to run, please don't stand still. 花有花期,人有时运。 Flowers have their flowering period, and people have their luck.  过分暴露需求感的人,很容易就患得患失,会不自觉地放下姿态,逐渐变得不自信。 People who excessively expose their sense of need are prone to worrying about gains and losses, and will unconsciously let go of their posture, gradually becoming less confident. 专注于思考,专注于做事情的人有着激光一样的穿透力,能把所有的困难击碎,收获丰厚的胜利果实。 People who focus on thinking and doing things have ………………………………

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