福州大学量子物质前沿讲座系列 Strong-to-Weak Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Mixed Quantum States 2024年6月28日 10:00 蔻享学术 扫码查看精彩直播 // 嘉宾简介 Ruochen Ma Ruochen Ma is a Postdoc Fellow at Universityof Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. in 2023 from Perimeterinstitute for Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Chong Wang and Yin-Chen He. Heis interestedin topological phases of matter. 报告摘要 Symmetry in mixed quantum states can manifest in two distinct forms: strong symmetry where each individual pure state in the quantum ensembleis symmetric with the same charge, and weak symmetry, which applies only to the entire ensemble. l will talk about a novel type of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) where a strong symmetry is broken to a weak one. While the SSB of a weak symmetryis measured by the long-ranged two-point correlation function Tr(o ₓ o ᵧ ⁺ p), the strong-to-weak SSB (SW-SSB) is measured by the fidelity F(p. o ₓ o ᵧ