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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-19 20:30


近日,澳大利亚北领地议会通过了包括降低刑事责任年龄在内的三项青少年司法法修改。年满10岁的儿童犯罪后最高可判处10年监禁。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a recommended alternative to incarceration for children? A. Improvement in educational programs B. Community-led services C. Mental health services D. Addressing housing issues 无注释原文: The minimum age in Australia is low compared to many countries From: BBC In Australia a child as young as 10 can be arrested, charged, brought before a court and jailed. The minimum criminal age varies worldwide but Australia's is low compared to most European nations, for instance. Germany, for one, sets the age of criminal responsibility at 14, while the age is 16 in Portugal and 18 in Luxembourg. England and Wales also set a minimum criminal age of 10, but like Australia they fall short of UN standards. In 2019 the UN Commi ………………………………

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