人大国发院“理论与政策”研讨会 (第204期) Welcome to the night: Nighttime amenities, travel to consume, and urban economic spillover 走进新“夜”态:夜间消费设施、消费出行与城市经济溢出效应 主 讲:樊 颖(香港理工大学建筑与房地产系) 主 持:潘颖豪(中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院) 时 间:2024年12月24日(星期二)14:00-15:30 地 点:立德教学楼11层1133会议室 报告摘要: How does nighttime economic stimulation affect travel behavior and business operation within a consumer city? Using data on ride-hailing and merchant information in Chongqing, China, we identify that the establishments of night markets immediately attract more consumer visits, evidenced by increased frequency, flexibility, and radius of travel pattern associated with nighttime consumption. These shifts in consumption patterns are sustained over time, prompting incumbent business