Hacker News 精彩评论及翻译 Advent of Code 2024 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42288035 Last year I got stuck on Day 12 for a full week, and thinking about how to solve it consumed my every waking moment. I think this year, I'm going to be kind to myself and not participate so I can really enjoy the winter break from work. atribecalledqst 去年我在第12天卡了整整一周,思考如何解决它占据了我每一个清醒时刻的思绪。我觉得今年我要对自己好一点,不参与这个活动,以便能真正享受冬季假期。 Ntfs2btrfs does in-place conversion of NTFS filesy... https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42284149 The degree of hold-my-beer here is off the charts. the_hoser 这里的“等着我”程度简直超乎寻常。 The deterioration of Google https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42278492 It’s been talked about here before, but fundamentally it’s when the advertising guys won the power struggle over the search engine guys. Previo