人机交互 IEEE Pervasive Computing Call for Papers: Special Issue on Bio Sensing 全文截稿: 2024-10-01 影响因子: 4.418 CCF分类: 无 中科院JCR分区: • 小类 : 计算机:信息系统 - 4区 • 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 4区 • 小类 : 计算机科学 - 4区 • 小类 : 电信学 - 4区 网址: https://www.computer.org/pervasive-computing// Biosensors measure biological elements. Biosensing refers to the use of analytical devices capable of converting a biological response into a measurable signal, often an electrical one, to measure complex biological phenomena. Biosensing has the potential to play a pivotal role in healthcare technologies, by providing superior diagnostic methods as well as more advanced monitoring and therapeutic techniques. Apart from medical diagnostics, biosensing also has wide applications in environmental monitoring, food safety and industrial process control. There are a wide range of biosensing technologie