专栏名称: Sixth Tone
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Rural Kids Capture Their Stories in 40,000 Photos

Sixth Tone  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-04 21:30


Rural children are frequently portrayed through the lens of external imagination and prejudice. However, in a collection of 40,000 photographs taken by students from nine rural schools in Yunnan and Gansu provinces, their own stories of village life emerge, offering perspectives that challenge established narratives about country living. Translators: Cindy Chen and Dong Kaiyan Download the new Sixth Tone app at the App Store or Google Play APK file for Android: https://image4.sixthtone.com/pkg/sixthtone.apk (Copy URL and open in browser) 请升级浏览器至最新版本 ………………………………

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