总部位于新加坡的 Right Angle Studio ,是一家屡获殊荣的室内设计工作室,由设计师 Alex Liu 和 Jay 共同成立于2011年。他们将“空间”理解为可相互连接的模块,经过分析和提炼,然后实现纯粹的意图或目标,鼓励人与环境之间的互动。同时,工作室还以“恰当的动作、轻盈和简洁”作为他们的设计理念,创造情感和视觉上的平衡,从而超越时间。 Based in Singapore, Right Angle Studio is an award-winning interior design studio founded in 2011 by designers Alex Liu and Jay. They understand "space" as interconnectable modules that are analyzed and refined before achieving a pure intention or goal that encourages interaction between people and their environment. At the same time, the studio also adopted "appropriate movement, lightness and simplicity" as their design philosophy, creating an emotional and visual balance that transcends time. 这间复式公寓不仅只是一处居住