专栏名称: TAGChengdu
.TAG - To Another Galaxy. Dance club in Chengdu.
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Easy Monday 一周年 | One year anniversary

TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-26 21:56


Easy Monday Dear all, It's been a year already since the first SotSu Easy Monday. Since then, we had the pleasure to host some of the best artists, in China and further. Did we meet behind the pult or on the dancefloor, we shared some unforgettable moments with you. We listened to all of your emotions and showed you ours. We thank you all, for being here with us, supporting us in our idea to share, connect and grow. We would like to invite you to join us once more on the one year anniversary of Easy Monday, on July 29th, this will be the last time seeing you. We hope only in this season.  Sotsu Easy Monday至今已经一周年。从一年前的周一开始,几乎每个周一我们都邀请中国甚至全球各地的音乐人一起举办活动。无论在舞池还是在幕后,我们享受每个一起的夜晚。共同庆祝美好轻松的周一时光。感谢🙏所有人的 ………………………………

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