近日,英国王室官方发表声明称,现年73岁的安妮公主(Princess Anne)发生意外,造成轻伤和脑震荡,被紧急送往医院。有媒体报道称,疑似遭到马头或马腿的撞击,出现暂时性失忆。 🤔️小作业: 1. What inference can be made about Princess Anne's work ethic from the passage? A) She is the least active member of the royal family. B) She prefers private engagements over public ones. C) She is known for her hard-working and businesslike approach. D) She often neglects her duties due to frequent injuries. 2. What does the author suggest about the frequency of injuries among the royal family members? A) Injuries are rare due to their careful lifestyle. B) Injuries are common due to their active lifestyle involving horses. C) Injuries are mostly reported by the media, not experienced frequently. D) Injuries are mostly sustained during public engagements. 无注释原文: Princess Anne, sister of King Charles, suffering memo