点击上方可订阅关注我们哦! 想了解中华传统文化,这个号你别错过 欢迎关注“道中华” Li Xing Francisco Leandro:Constructive Endeavors 来源 : China Daily Aug 6, 2024 LI MIN/CHINA DAILY By seeking to build trust and peace around the world, China is emerging as a global peace-maker and stability-creator For a long time, the United States-led West has been struggling to find out what kind of global power China is. Is China a destructive or constructive power for the current US-led international order? Is China a status-quo or a revisionist power, a force for continuity or a force for change? Will China use its military and economic weight to advance its own interest at the cost of abandoning the defined international rules? How to interpret the impact of China's rise not only in terms of its hard power, such as economy, technology, trade, and finance, etc., but also in terms of its soft power, such as ideas, norms, culture, thought, value system