专栏名称: 译中人
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19-28k, 大使馆急招: 文化官员(临时)

译中人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-21 11:55


请于2024年11月26日之前提交申请。 荷兰驻华大使馆现招聘高级文化官员一名,请注意,该职位为产假替代临时职位 Type of employee required For this position we are looking for a colleague who has experience in the cultural field in China and abroad. Theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience in this field is required. To a large extent the employee makes his/her own choices and decisions about approach and way of working. A positive attitude and sense of humour is an added value. Knowledge & skills / job requirements University education level; At least 3 years professional experience in the cultural field; Knowledge and expertise in the cultural field; Pro-active, creative and taking initiative, a team player, ability to work independently on projects; positive constructive attitude; Experienced in working with projects, used to work with deadlines, with an eye for detail; Knowledge of China's cultural structure, cultural policies, le ………………………………

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