关注《外贸干货笔记》,学习更多外贸知识。 需要圣诞祝福语的小伙伴可以拿去用,根据自己的需求更改 新客户祝福语 1:愿您与我们的合作开启新的篇章,祝您度过一个欢乐的圣诞节和新的一年!Wishing you a new chapter of cooperation with us. Have a joyful Christmas and a new year ahead! 2:在这个特殊的时刻,感谢您选择与我们合作。愿您的生意蒸蒸日上,圣诞快乐!Thank you for choosing to cooperate with us at this special time. May your business flourish. Merry Christmas! 3: 感谢您选择我们作为您的合作伙伴。祝您一个充满喜悦和成功的圣诞节!Thank you for choosing us as your partner. Wishing you a Christmas filled with joy and success! 针对老客户的祝福: 1: 感谢您一直以来的信任和支持,祝您和家人圣诞快乐,新年幸福!Thank you for your continued trust and support. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Y