专栏名称: 藏艺轩文化艺术
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东方雅韵,匠心传承 精品杂项共赏(418)

藏艺轩文化艺术  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-11 17:32


近年来,随着收藏热的不断升温,在古玩市场,古钱币的收藏投资正以独特的魅力吸引着广大投资爱好者,各地钱币拍卖会也时常传出珍稀古钱币拍卖价格屡创新高的消息,社会上的各路人马及各种游资也想参与到古钱币的收藏投资中来。 In recent years, with the increasing popularity of collecting, in the antique market, the investment in collecting ancient coins is attracting a large number of investment enthusiasts with its unique charm. The news that the auction price of rare ancient coins has been repeatedly high has been heard from coin auctions all over the world. People and horses in the society also want to participate in the collection and investment of ancient coins. 双旗币 Double Flag currency 重(W):10g 直径(D):3.2cm 编号(NO.):ZLFW(2019)-868-140 该铜币正面图案中央 ………………………………

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