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SIAT医工所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-30 16:16


中德“多肽调控的基础与医学研究前沿交叉”研讨会 本次会议以探索神经多肽在能量代谢,情绪情感和社交行为中的作用机制,发展多肽类药物的医学转化为主题,汇聚来自中国、德国和法国从事肽研究的基础与医学研究人员,共同描绘肽如何在人体整体发挥作用,调控从代谢到心理健康影响人类健康的整体图景。 This conference aims to explore the working mechanism of neuropeptides in energy metabolism, emotional and social behavior, bringing together basic and medical researchers from China, Germany and France to jointly describe how peptides function in the human body as a whole, regulating the overall human health from metabolism to mental health and to discuss the concept of medical translation of peptide research. 该研讨会将是肽领域的一项重要活动,将加强中德在以肽为导向的医学研究方面的合作。 This symposium will be an important event in the ………………………………

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