专栏名称: 杨帅英语口语
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雅思口语高分答案:Describe something you did in your study/work

杨帅英语口语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-21 09:08


不思考语法,却能在口语中表现高分语法。如何做到?预约帅哥明晚的直播! Describe something you did in your study/work that has made you feel confident You should say:      when it happened      where it happened      what you did and explain why it made you feel confident I’m going to talk about a presentation I gave in college. It was during my sophomore year, and if I  remember correctly, it was in early January, close to our final exams. I had to talk about the impacts of globalization on developing countries, and since it was near the end of the semester, that presentation would be part of my grades. I made this presentation in our classroom, which was Room 302 in the main teaching building on  campus. This was where most of our class activities took place. What I did ... Well, I started by talking about the positive effects of globalization on developing  countries, such as economic growth, cultural exchange, and improved infrastru ………………………………

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