专栏名称: 铭心而论
有一些事实还不清楚,有一些理念还未传播。有一些偏见深入人心,有一些共识远未达成。 在这里,我们用文字、声音和图像真诚沟通,让改变的可能性一点点累积。成见、学科、身份,这些都先放下。 这个世界会好吗?当然会。 (陆铭教授官方自媒体)
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铭心而论  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-29 17:04


Pro-Manufacturing Land Policies ofCompetingLocal Governments: A Ouantitative Analysis ofChina Publish information Ming Lu,Yuta Suzuki,Xican Xi,Le Xu,Yuejun Zhong,2024,"Pro-Manufacturing Land Policies of Competing Local Governments: A Quantitative Analysis of China", https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4967319 Abstract We document that local governments in China offer land with substantial discounts for manufacturing relative to services or housing. To explore the rationale and welfare implications, we develop a multi-sector quantitative spatial equilibrium model where local governments allocate land across sectors and segment the land markets to non-cooperatively maximize their local objectives. The model closely replicates the observed land discounts and their variations across regions when local governments aim to maximize local manufacturing output, though welfare is significantly lower than under a unifed land market without segmentation. When maximizing local welf ………………………………

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