点击卡片 关注我们 摘要: 花椒是药食同源原料之一,可作为调味料和中药材,应用历史悠久。本文从花椒属植物简介、化学成分及药用价值三个方面全面阐述花椒属植物的特点和活性物质,旨在让公众深入了解花椒,以期增强公众对食品中药物成分的了解,感受中医药和中华文化的博大精深。 关键词: 花椒,调味品,药食同源,活性成分 Abstract: Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim is one of the raw materials that serve homologous food and medicine, used as a seasoning and traditional Chinese medicine with a long history of application. This article comprehensively discusses the characteristics and active substances of plants in the Zanthoxylum genus from three perspectives: an introduction to the Zanthoxylum L. , their chemical composition, and medicinal value. The aim is to provide the public with a deeper understanding of Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim , thereby enhancing aw