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四重平行空间 I 成都Luxemporium概念店

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-27 08:40


©Studio Ten 谭啸 NASA在2020年在南极进行宇宙射线探测时发现了证明平行宇宙存在的证据。科学家们观测到了一种名为「涛微中子」的基本粒子从地球「上升」,这表明这些粒子的行为与通常认知的相反。这一发现引发了对平行世界和时间关系的深入探讨,尤其是与130亿年前的宇宙大爆炸相关的平行世界,可能存在着逆行和颠倒扭曲的关系。 NASA discovered evidence of the existence of parallel universes during its cosmic ray exploration in Antarctica in 2020. Scientists have observed a fundamental particle called "Tao neutrino" rising from Earth, indicating that the behavior of these particles is opposite to what is commonly known. This discovery has sparked a deeper exploration of the relationship between parallel worlds and time, especially those related to the Big Bang 13 billion years ago, which may have a retrograde and inverted twisted relationship.  成都Luxemporium概念 ………………………………

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