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石油交易大师乔·拜登 | 经济学人财经

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-23 08:24


.. 1 导读 思维导图作者: May Li ,我要去追逐心中的太阳,还要继续努力的亚古兽 2 精读|翻译|词组 Finance and economics | Buttonwood 财经| 梧桐树专栏 英文部分选自经济学人20240511期财经板块 Finance and economics | Buttonwood 财经版块|梧桐树专栏 Joe Biden, master oil trader 乔 · 拜登,石油交易大师 The president has turned volatility into profit 总统先生化凶为吉 He has ahigh-stakes job. War and natural disasters keep him on his toes. He is often on a plane to far-flung places, travelling to negotiate with local leaders. He has the best intelligence money can buy. And as November’s election nears, he will spend lots of time looking at lines on charts. The American president and swashbuckling oil traders, it turns out, have a lot in common. 他的工作事关重大。战争和自然灾害使其保持警觉。他经常飞去偏远地方与当地领导人谈判。他拥有钱能买得到的最好情报。 ………………………………

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