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设计殿堂 I 哈尔滨创意设计中心

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-30 08:40


© 徐义稳 在当下创意裂变的时代,人们对生活精神的表达已经不再模糊不清,而是被赋予了更为具体的形式,并通过设计思维与日常生活产生了紧密联系。在这种迭代变革中,传统的公共空间需要找到新的方向,以迎合空间与创意表达的新需求,这需要更多元的视角深入和破界思维的共同努力。 In the current era of creative fission, people's expression of the spirit of life is no longer vague, but has been given more concrete forms, and has been closely linked to daily life through design thinking. In this iterative transformation, traditional public spaces need to find new directions to meet the new demands of space and creative expression, which requires a more diverse perspective and a joint effort of boundary breaking thinking.  哈尔滨创意设计中心   Harbin Creative Design Center - - - 从餐饮到与创意共生的办公空间,设计形式的转变激发了新的空间思 ………………………………

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