Depolymerization and Polymer Degradation: Redefining the Future of Plastics With a focused examination of depolymerization and degradation processes, this special issue is to make meaningful contributions to the advancement of sustainable practices in harmony with the pressing global imperative for responsible material management. Guest editors: Cyrille Boyer , University of New South Wales, Australia Email: cboyer@unsw.edu.au Krzysztof Matyjaszewski , Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, United States Email: km3b@andrew.cmu.edu Haritz Sardon , University of the Basque Country, Spain Email: haritz.sardon@ehu.eus Special issue information: In the pursuit of a more sustainable future, the exploration of advanced methodologies in depolymerization and polymer degradation stands as a critical avenue of research. As our reliance on polymers continues to grow, addressing the environmental impact of these materials becomes paramount. Depolymerization, involving the controlled breakd